bing tracking image

Trailer on Sand
Photo Provided by REDARC


*This article is property of and was originally featured on REDARC. It has been repurposed with permission for use by those who are unfamiliar with off-road and soft sand towing, it may seem like you're tempting fate to tackle these conditions with your trailer or camper. But so long as you take the appropriate care and caution, it can often be a holiday highlight and open the door to discovering a hidden gem.Getting bogged when towing on the beach is virtually an inevitable part of off-roading. It’s not something to be scared of, but it is something you should be prepared for. Nothing beats experience, but there is only way to gain that experience: getting out there and doing it for yourself.Below, we'll look at 5 tips to help you avoid getting bogged down on your next adventure.

1. Lower your tire pressure

We’ve all heard this before, but why do you need to lower tire pressure for driving on sand? Essentially, you want to float over the surface to avoid getting bogged and reduce the chance that your tires will dig in. Lowering your tire pressure means that you lengthen the tire’s footprint on the surface, ultimately displacing less sand as you travel across it. It also provides you with smoother, softer driving conditions, making the experience far more enjoyable. There are many varying opinions on exactly what PSI you should drop down to. Depending on the weight of your tow vehicle, somewhere between 15 psi and 22 psi should be a good starting point. You can always increase or decrease the pressure once you know what suits the conditions and your driving preferences.
Checking Tire Pressure
2. Keep up the momentum Momentum, not all-out speed, is key when getting through soft spots. You want to maintain a steady pace so when you come across those ridges or holes, you’ll essentially skim over the surface.By keeping your speed down, you’re also ensuring there are fewer changes in the sand compaction. Line up your vehicle and camper in the same wheel tracks so that you utilize the already-compacted surface, which will allow for a much smoother ride.
3. Take control of what you’re towingHaving an easily adjustable electric brake controller like the REDARC Tow-Pro Elite allows you to utilize a lower brake setting, meaning you can take greater control of what you’re towing.You also want to know that if you brake too hard or too suddenly that your trailer won’t do the same and anchor you in the sand as the tires bite in. Lowering the braking force of the trailer or camper brakes allows your setup to move in tandem.
Camper on Beach
Photo provided by REDARC
4. Don’t corner too sharplyStaying steady with your steering and not taking corners too sharply, especially at high speeds, reduces the likelihood of your tires digging in, your trailer getting bogged, or even your vehicle and/or camper rolling over.Steady adjustments in cornering help maintain the compactness of the sand beneath your tires, providing fewer opportunities for your wheels to become caught and your tires to sink in.
5. Know what’s next (and gear up)It’s very important to always check the other side of dunes before going over them. Sand tends to drift, which can affect the steepness and structure of the dunes as you travel over them. Surveying the sand and checking for any changes in the firmness and composition allows you to approach differing surfaces in the appropriate manner. There’s no hard and fast rule about towing on sand or across beaches, and it’s not just about what you do. It’s also about what you have on board.Equipment is obviously crucial when you’re travelling and towing across different terrains. Ensure you have gear like shovels, tire recovery tracks, an accurate tire pressure gauge, and an air compressor to deflate and pump tires up again before heading back onto the road.
Truck on Beach
Photo provided by REDARC
So remember, next time you and your family are headed off-road with your camper or trailer in-tow, don’t be frightened of getting out there and doing as the locals do. As long as you’re prepared to learn as you go and adjust your approach from location to location, you could soon find yourself looking out for those trickier terrains to test out those towing skills.Related Products



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