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2016 Jeep Patriot Emergency Supplies Installation And Review Videos


Blazer Universal Replacement Vehicle Horn Installation - 2016 Jeep Patriot- Video

Blazer Universal Replacement Vehicle Horn Installation - 2016 Jeep Patriot

Today on our 2016 Jeep Patriot, we're going to be showing you how to install the Blazer Universal Replacement Horn with the Low Tone, part number is BH101LC. All right. Now, Let's give it a push and make sure it's working. Our horn kit is going to be a straightforward system. This is designed to work with single or double-wired horns. If you're using a single, you just have an input on one side. We'll have our ground on the other, and it's going to come with a little jumper wire you'll need. more

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10/17/2016 11:26:23 AM
