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Snow Chain Recommendations for 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee w/ 235/75-15 Tires  


I have a 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo with Good Year Wrangler Duratrack Tires - 235 75R 15 What chains will fit so I can purchase asap ?


Expert Reply:

We offer many different styles of chains, which you can see by clicking the provided link. The best tire chains for you will depend on why, how often and where you're using (or not using) them.

Are you deliberately putting yourself in a situation where you'll need chains? Or are you buying them to sit in the cargo area for the one time a year that you'll be driving through the mountains? Will they be for on-road use or off-road? Are you wanting something that's super easy to install, or is that not important to you?

If you're just wanting the chains for emergency use and aren't wanting to spend a lot of money on them, something like part # TC1042 would be good for on-road use. For on and off-road use, something like # TC2435 would work better for you.

If you're wanting something that's easier to install, that can be used on or off-road, Thule Standard Snow Tire Chains, part # TH01571245 would be a nice choice for you. Tire chains CAN get pretty pricey, but keep in mind that the more expensive ones tend to have much better warranties. The Thule chains, for instance have 5 year warranties, while some cable chains have only 30 day warranties.

Before purchasing chains, be sure to check your owner's manual for any advice or prohibitions regarding tire chain use. I've linked you to some FAQ articles about tire chains and some install videos you might find helpful. I'd also recommend you take a few minutes and practice installing and removing your chains. Doing a test run in your driveway is much better than trying to figure it out while kneeling in a snowdrift on the side of the road.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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