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Vent Modifications to Increase Flow in 5 x 9 Enclosed Trailer  


Hi, I know these are simple devices, but I have a question in the hopes of maximizing air flow in my current application. I have a small 5x9 enclosed trailer and have installed 4 of these vents in the upper top corners, front and rear, on both sides in the hopes the whole thing will breathe better when parked as it gets very warm inside. But it seems that the fairly narrow depth of the trailer exterior and interior walls 1 - 1 1/4 and the vent design it looks like that once everything is installed the airflow will be considerably choked off unless some alterations are made. You can see in the pics that the interior vent piece will extend into the exterior piece and given the solid lower round plastic piece on the inside what are some suggestions or what have folks done to modify either or both pieces for increased flow? I assume the first thing would be up trip back the internal vent piece so that it would be flush with the exterior wall and does not extend so far out. Has anyone drilled holes in the inside lower barrier as well fro a more direct flow of air instead of it having to come up and around through the small top opening?


Expert Reply:

The two-piece vent assembly you referenced, part # HMAV2-AVT2 from Redline, includes an outer portion with perforations on its lower surface to allow hot air out while preventing rain from getting in. Four of these vents (or similar equivalents) seem like a suitable start for basic trailer ventilation so you are on the right track.

However, you may want to consider a roof vent. This will require some obvious cutting in your trailer and careful sealing of the vent (to prevent entry of rain) but will deliver better static cooling than side-mounted vents, which do a fine job of venting the trailer while you're under way but less good of a job while its parked. A roof vent will better allow hot air out when the trailer is parked.

The link provided will show you our main page for roof vents and you can use the filters in the left margin to narrow the results shown to those items that best suit your trailer and your preferences.

expert reply by:
Adam R
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