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Timbren Springs Fell Off Under Load on a 2005 Chrysler Town and Country  


I have a 2005 Chrysler town and county mini van which I had a timbren dealer install. About an hour under loadtongue weight about 800lbs the rubber pieces fell off and the only remaining piece is the bolts . At the time I was driving though a construction area with several bumps. After that hitting any bumps I could tell the bolts were just hitting the axle hopefully did not cause too much damage Initially the Timbren system worked really well. Very happy - but if they cannot stay on they are not very helpful.


Expert Reply:

This is so uncommon that it is the first time I have heard of this happening. The springs are very durable rubber and unless they were installed incorrectly, in the wrong place, the wrong system was used or they were severely overloaded, I cannot think of a way this would happen.

The system is meant to be installed on a vehicle with a suspension in good working order. So if there were stock suspension problems, the installer should have noticed that.

The correct system for your 2005 Chrysler Town and Countjry is # TDVR05096. The Timbren springs have a limited lifetime warranty so if you got them from us just give us a call at 800-298-8924.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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