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Spare Tire Mount Bike Rack Recommendation for a 2007 Toyota RAV4.  


Which rack should I use to carry 2 mountain bikes for our RAV 4 2007?


Expert Reply:

Since the 2007 Toyota RAV4 has a spare tire on the back, you will not be able to use a trunk mount bike rack such as # HRF2, but you can use a spare tire mount bike rack. You can use # TH963PRO. This rack lets you carry 2 bikes of different sizes and styles on your spare tire. It has dual arms with anti-sway cradles, and it adjusts for various tire sizes and for offset spares. Locks secure your bikes to the rack and the rack.

I have linked a video review of this rack for you and a link to the other spare tire mount racks that fit your RAV4.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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