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Recommended Replacement Rooftop Condenser Unit For A Dometic RV Air Conditioner System  


Looking for an advent AC unit to replace my Dometic unit. Prefer the start up capacitor. Do I need the entire unit or just upper? Current is ducted system, 15000 BTU. MFR. B59516.711J0 - M. Product number. 991763328


Helpful Expert Reply:

Hi Robert,

If you're just wanting to replace the condenser unit on the rooftop and retain use of your current air distribution box and thermostat then you'll just need to determine what style connector your current unit has. If you remove the cover to the air distribution box and look up you should see a wire harness that hangs down from the condenser and plugs into the controller. It will have either a 6-pin or 9-pin connector (pictured below).

If you have a 6-pin connector then you'll be able to plug the Advent Air # ASA86YR right in to the controller. If you have a 9-pin connector then you'll need to pick up the # ASA76YR instead to get an adapter harness. I've attached a video below where I'll talk about this harness and show you where Dometic some times likes to mount the controller if you can't see it when you remove the air distribution box cover.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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