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Will GearSpace 34 Enclosed Cargo Carrier Suffer Heat Damage on 2019 Thor Aria 4000  


I have a 2019 Thor Aria 4000 diesel pusher. It gets REALLY hot near the motor. I am concerned about 1 the unit restricting air flow to the motor and 2 the heat warping or damaging the unit and 3 will it clear the rear access ladder. Thoughts? I have added a stock photo of my model coach. Thank you

2019 Thor Aria 4000
2019 Thor Aria 4000
(click to enlarge)

Expert Reply:

You're going to have 10-11" of clearance between the GearSpace 34 # HGK819 and your 2019 Thor Aria 4000 so air flow won't be an issue. However, it is possible the heat will be. I reached out to Let's Go Aero and they said that they have not encountered any situations where the GearSpace has melted or suffered damage from exhaust or motor heat since they started selling them in 2001. They did say they know of a competitor with a similar design that has seen melting from exhaust so it is a potential concern.

The # HGK819 can sit further back by adjusting the TwinTube system. This has the ability to adjust an additional 8" out from the factory setting so that would give you additional space away from the heat of the motor. I'm guessing even at 10" of clearance your ladder wont' be in the way but if it is further adjusted it definitely will clear. You could also add adhesive backed heat shield to the GearSpace to help protect it and whatever you store inside just to be safe. It isn't something we sell but you can find it with a simple search. This would be a cheap insurance policy.

expert reply by:
Robin H

Michael M.


Thank you....not so much the exhaust, which is directed downward, but the actual heat of the motor positioned directly in front of where the unit would be sitting... You have provided me with enough information that I should be able to make a decision.

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