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Location of Tow Package Wiring for Installing Brake Controller on 2008 Chevy Kodiak  


I have a 2008 C5500 Chevy Kodiak motorhome.I wish to wire a brake controller. This was a simple task in my 06 silverado,however I dont know the wiring diagram for this vehicle. I see wiring harnesses under the dash but i am unsure what one to use.


Expert Reply:

The tow package on your Kodiak is most likely wired like the 1500,2500 and 3500 series. Take a look above the emergency brake pedal. You should see a large wiring harness secured with electrical tape. There should be a separate 4 wire harness taped to it, with a larger gauge dark blue wire, a light blue wire, a red and black striped wire, and a white wire. This harness typically has a white tag affixed to it, which will make it easier to locate. One the website, there is a video showing the installation process on a 2008 Silverado. The process should be similar on your motorhome.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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