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Does The Hitch Ball Come Installed On The 16K Equal-i-zer Weight Distribution Hitch?  


Does the equalizer EQ64FR come with the hitch ball already installed? I do not want to have to purchase the expensive socket to mount the ball. Whay would it not be installed? I do need this 1600/16K 4 point sway hitch but its very expensive. I learned of this hitch watching Big Truck Big RV. Thanks


Expert Reply:

The Equal-i-zer Weight Distribution System # EQ64FR does not come with a hitch ball attached. This is due to the manufacturer not installing the hitch ball from the factory. We pair their hitch with the Ball # EQ54FR as a package to ensure the correct size hitch ball goes with the correct weight distribution hitch ball. You will need the 1-7/8" 12pt Thin Walled Socket # ALL643216 to install the hitch ball on the hitch head. It is also needed to verify and check torque while you use the weight distribution system. So while other manufacturers do install the hitch ball from the factory this does not remove the requirement to get a similar socket since the hitch ball torque must be verified during the use of their hitches.

Another option you can consider is checking with your local auto parts store if they have loaner tools with the correct size socket.

expert reply by:
Bud M

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