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Parts Needed For Curt Echo Under-Dash Brake Controller in 2023 Kia Sorento With 4-Way  


I am trying to find the right brake controller for a 2023 Kia Sorento SX Prestige X-line. It has a plug under the dash for it to plug into already. I would prefer one like the Curt Bluetooth one that mounts under the dash. Can you tell me the product numbers for everything I need? I need the 7 pin connector for the back also. There is already a plug in the back for trailer wiring and I have a 4 flat harness back there already. Thanks for your help


Expert Reply:

I can definitely help you out with all the part numbers needed for your 2023 Kia Sorento for the Curt Echo Under-Dash brake controller. I do want to mention there is not a plug-in option for any brake controller for your Sorento so it does have to be hardwired, and what you need to add the 7-way and Echo is the following:

- Curt Echo Under-Dash Wireless Brake Controller # C27JR

- Universal Wiring Adapter for Curt Trailer Brake Controllers # C51515

- Universal Installation Kit for Trailer Brake Controller # ETBC7

Your 4-flat will plug into the 7-way that comes with the # ETBC7, which also gives you the wiring, circuit breakers, and rest of the hardware needed for installation.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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