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Why Are Certain Brake Controllers Compatible with Electric Over Hydraulic Systems  


What is the difference in the electical output between electric and E/H brake controllers? Why are they specific?


Expert Reply:

The electrical output between the different brake controllers isn't what determines if the brake controller is compatible with an EOH system or not - it has to do with the "brain" of the controller being able to recognize that the power isn't going to go all the way through to the brakes since it "stops" at the front of the trailer when it gets to the EOH actuator.

If you look at a controller like the Tekonsha Prodigy P2 # 90885 you'll see that it has an EOH mode but you have to physically switch it over to that mode so the computer recognizes it - it doesn't just automatically adjust to the trailering needs.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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