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How to Determine Correct Length of Ark Stabilizers  


Hi i am interested in these ark down stabilizers. I would like to install these on my 2020 coachman summit series travel trailer. My plan is to remove the scissor jacks that are on there as of now and mount these. My question is how do you go about determining the size I need 24” or 30”. my intent with these stabilizers is to mount them so they stabilize side to side not front to back. And my concern is when I have them folded up into storage position that they will clear the ground while swinging down to the extended stabilized position.


Expert Reply:

The Ark stabilizers won't affect your ground clearance, but to determine the right ones that really depends on how high up your frame is off the ground. Overall, the Ark RV Stabilizer Jacks # ARK34FR are 16.6" collapsed and 23.6" extended, while the Ark # ARK94FR 19.5" collapsed and 30.5" extended.

So you'll want to measure the distance from the ground to the frame where you plan on installing the stabilizers and use the lengths to find the right size. You just want to be sure the lengths won't be too short to hit the ground when they are fully extended.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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