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Tailgate Clearance with Tow Ready # 63058 Pintle Mount  


Hi, I drive a 07 Tundra. I will use this to tow an M1102 military trailer. If I use part 63058, will I be able to lower my tailgate without touching the plate? If I attach a 10K pintle hook to the mounting plate, it will probably extend higher than the plate. Will I have enough clearance? Alternately, will BWPMHD14004 provide enough clearance? Basically, I want to have a 10K pintle hook mounted as high as possible, without damaging my tailgate. I ed my ball mount hitch BWBMTT31004 and measured about 12 1/2 inches from the bottom of the shank to the lowered tailgate. Thanks


Helpful Expert Reply:

If used in the rise position, the # 63058 pintle hook mount would measure 11-1/2 inches from the bottom of the shank to the top of the plate. The tailgate clearance will depend on how far above the top of the plate the pintle would extend.

With the B and W model, part # BWPMHD14004, the distance from the bottom of the shank to the top of the plate would be right at 11-1/4 inches.

You can see these dimensions in the photos I have edited for you.

expert reply by:
Mike L
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