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What Size Door Does The Lippert Push Bar for RV Screen Doors # LC83UD Fit?  


I see this is 21-1/2" to 28" long. Does that mean the door must be that size?


Expert Reply:

The Lippert Push Bar for RV Screen Door # LC83UD is designed to fit 26" to 30" door. This information is found on the door tag as the door itself will be narrower than this hence the reason the bar has a length of 21-1/2" to 28". The door size is based on the rough opening that the door fits into. Do note that while while this shows it only fits down to a 26" door you can slide the ends off to cut the tube shorter allowing it to fit narrower door openings as well.

I recommend installing one of the screen door closers with the handle as it will help keep your screen door shut and bugs out of your camper. You will need to find the right size from the list below for your door.

22" Screen Shot Automatic Screen Door Closer # LC730811
24" Screen Shot Automatic Screen Door Closer # LC730812
26" Screen Shot Automatic Screen Door Closer # LC730813
28" Screen Shot Automatic Screen Door Closer # LC730814
30" Screen Shot Automatic Screen Door Closer # LC730815

expert reply by:
Bud M

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