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Complete Flat Towing Setup For A 2022 Renegade Valencia 38RW W/ Air Brakes And A 2021 Ford F-150  


Hi We have a 2022 Renegade Valencia 38RW on the Freightliner S2 chassis and a 2021 Ford F-150 4X4 I am looking at Roadmaster BrakeMaster System w BrakeAway for RVs w Air or Air Over Hydraulic Brakes - Proportional Item # RM-9160 What would I need to connect this up to the RV air brake system? Also I want to use the Roadmaster Nighthawk All Terrain, Non-Binding Tow Bar w/ LED Lights - RV Mount - 8K Item # RM-676 I want to verify that the Roadmaster Crossbar-Style Base Plate Kit - Removable Arms Item # RM58VR work with the F150. What brake light kit do I need for the 150 I would like to add the front parking light to the system to increase the pickup visibility. Thank you for your help.


Expert Reply:

No additional parts are needed to connect the Roadmaster BrakeMaster System w BrakeAway for RVs w Air or Air Over Hydraulic Brakes # RM-9160 as this system will connect directly to the air system on your 2022 Renegade Valencia 38RW. This can be attached any open port on your air brake relay valve on your coach.

In order to use the Roadmaster Nighthawk All Terrain, Non-Binding Tow Bar w/ LED Lights # RM-676 with your 2021 Ford f-150, I actually recommend going with the Roadmaster Direct-Connect Base Plate Kit # RM38VR instead of # RM58VR as this base plate is meant for direct connect tow bars like # RM-676, whereas # RM58VR is designed to work with cross-bar style base tow bars # RM-020 and would require an adapter to use a direct-connect style tow bar.

Finally, to wrap up, you're going to need a lighting kit. I recommend going with the:

-Roadmaster Universal Hy-Power Diode Wiring Kit # RM-154.

This kit will connect your RV's tail, brake and turn signal lights to your towed car's lighting system, which will provide you with all the visibility you need to be safe and legal on the road.

I have included a couple of install videos for you to check out, if you have any other questions feel free to reach back out and I'd be happy to help.

expert reply by:
Bryce D

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