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MicroSportXT Trailer Replacement Wheel and Tire  


Can you confirm that the MPG469 rim is equivalent to the one in this picture? Likewise my Malone Microsport XT trailer came with ST145R12 8PR88/83L Load Range D Tubeless Steel Belted Radials. My question is would it be possible to get that put on the Rim in the picture from you? I understand the price would be different but ideally I want the spare tire to match in size completely. If e trailer is unable to do that then would it be possible to buy just the rim in the picture and I can find the tire myself?


Expert Reply:

After looking into this and doing some research. The Aluminum Spoke Wheel for Malone MicroSport and MicroSportXT Trailer # MPG469 is the correct wheel and tire for the Malone MicroSport XT trailer if it is still factory from Malone. The # MPG469 is the exact wheel/tire that Malone has available. This is only available as the wheel and tire set, we do not have just the wheel available from Malone. So if you were wanting to find a different tire, you'd have to get the wheel/tire set and remove the tire and replace it with the one you are wanting to use. We do have tires with the specifications you have, like the Kenda Karrier S-Trail ST145/R12 Radial Trailer Tire # AM10130.

All of the tires on the wheels for the Malone trailers are load range C tires, so I am not sure why yours would have load range D unless they are not the factory tires anymore, because the Malones all come with load range c.

expert reply by:
Scott S

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