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Tow Bar and Braking System Suggested for 2021 Jeep Wrangler  


do you sell /nsa Hercules tow bar with ready brake ?


Expert Reply:

Unfortunately, we don't offer the Hercules tow bar or the Ready Brake but we do have some reasonably priced tow bar and braking system options that would work for you which would be compatible with the Blue Ox # BX1139 base plates you'd looked at.

For a 2021 Jeep Wrangler, I'd recommend the Blue Ox Avail tow bar, part # BX7420. The generous 10000 lb capacity combined with the fact that the tow bar is self-aligning and non-binding make this the perfect choice of tow bar to go with the # BX1139 base plates.

The most reasonably priced brake system option we offer is the Roadmaster BrakeMaster, part # RM-9160 which would also require the # RM69FR seat adapter and the # RM-751490 stop light switch to function properly. You'll also need safety cables, a wiring solution and possibly a high/low adapter if the height difference between the receiver on the motorhome and the base plates is greater than 3 inches +/-. If you'd like suggestions on the other items, let me know and I'd be happy to makes some recommendations.

I've linked to some videos that you might find helpful.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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