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Are Draw-Tite and Curt Hitches Compatible With Rear Bumper Under Guard on 2022 Subaru Outback  


Which, if not both, of the CURT Trailer Hitch - C67JR or Draw-Tite Trailer Hitch - DT73RR is compatible with the stock Rear Bumper Under Guard on the Subaru Outback XT Limited? If not compatible have you had experience cutting and trimming out the guard? Ive attached the mark up of the optional hitch ordered and installed at the dealer.


Expert Reply:

Both the Curt Trailer Hitch Receiver # C67JR and the Draw-Tite Max-Frame Trailer Hitch Receiver # DT73RR are perfectly compatible with the rear bumper under guard you are describing. These are two very different hitches. The # DT73RR installs by bolting onto the frame. It also has a visible cross tube so you will see it hanging down under the Outback. It does require trimming of the heat shield, which can be seen in the attached installation video.

The # C67JR installs behind the rear bumper beam. In order to install this hitch, you will have to temporarily remove the rear bumper under guard and bumper cover. The hitch then bolts on behind the bumper beam. We have not yet had a chance to install this hitch, but it does require trimming of the bumper fascia but not the guard. I have attached the instructions and trim diagram from the # e65ZR which has the same installation process. The biggest difference is that the Curt has a concealed cross tube so you will only see the receiver hanging down and have better clearance. If I were to recommend one I would choose the Curt over the Draw-Tite for this reason.

expert reply by:
Robin H
Trim Diagram For e65ZR Installation.
Trim Diagram For e65ZR Installation.
(click to enlarge)

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