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Spare Tire Bike Rack that Fits 2000 Honda CR-V with Offset Spare  


Yakima SpareRide 2 Bike Rack - Spare Tire Mount - Folding Arms Item # Y02599 I own a 2000 CRV with the off set to the right of the car, full size spare tire. I have 2 large mountain bikes that I need to carry- will this rack actually work? It seems that the tires will hang way over to one side? Also, what is the weight that the rack will carry? Thanks very much!


Expert Reply:

I checked with Yakima and they do not list their SpareRide2 part # Y02599 as a fit for your 2000 Honda CR-V. This could be due to fact that this is a newer rack and they didn't go back and test fit it on vehicles as old as yours. Thule does have their Spare Me part # TH963PRO that is a confirmed fit for your vehicle and has a 35 lb per bike capacity.

This rack can be offset to the side in how it mounts like you can see in attached picture which is how you'd install it on an offset spare vehicle.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
Installed on Offset Spare
Installed on Offset Spare
(click to enlarge)

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