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Is Controller of Go Power Portable Solar Panel 34270356 Waterproof  


Go Power Portable Solar Panel with Digital Solar Controller - 90 Watt Solar Panel Item # 34282729 1. Is the charge controller completely weather proof? I know most solar panels do not have a water proof box and need to be bagged or covered. Can it be placed into the outside without any alteration? 2. Does the controller box stay on at night and put a drain on the battery? 2A. If yes, can it be easily turned off? 3. Can the supplied 12 ft cable be plugged into the optional 30 ft extension cord for added length?


Expert Reply:

Good questions, and the controller that is built into the solar panels is not weatherproof, so no water should touch the Go Power Portable Solar Panel with Digital Solar Controller - 90 Watt Solar Panel # 34282729.

The # 34282729 solar panels should be inside if there is inclement weather, which you would want to do anyway as the panels would not have sunlight to absorb when there is rain. The controller will stay on so it should be removed at night; you simply need to unhook it from your battery power to do so.

As for the extension, the included 12 foot cable is used in conjunction with the 30 foot Extension Cable # 34270356.

So that means you will get a total of 42 feet of cable to use with the Go Power Portable Solar Panel with Digital Solar Controller - 90 Watt Solar Panel # 34282729.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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