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Recommendations To Add a Roof Rack To A 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan  


My van has the factory flush side rails with cross bars. Is there ANYTHING I could do with the factory rails or do I need to remove the factory rails and continue as a naked roof? I’m trying for a 60” crossbar product.


Expert Reply:

Though I do have an option to add a roof rack to your 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan, it will require quite a bit of customization. You may be able to go through Dodge for crossbars that will attach directly to your flush rails, but I am not 100% sure of that, unfortunately.

The option we will have will require the removal of the flush rails and then the installation of the Thule Roof Mounted Top Rack System - 54" Long # THTP54. This will end up requiring drilling to get installed, but it will allow you to then install the Fit Kit for Thule Podium-Style Roof Rack Feet # THKIT3101, Rapid Podium Feet # TH460R, and WingBar Evo Crossbars # TH711520. These are 60 inch long bars and will be everything you need to get a roof rack on your Grand Caravan.

expert reply by:
Lazer S
2015 Dodge Grand Caravan Flush Rails
2015 Dodge Grand Caravan Flush Rails
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