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Recommended 15 Inch Wheel/Tires for Tandem Axle 7K Trailer  


I am looking for car trailers tries and rims 15inch 5 lug rims 4/1/2 on the studs trailer is a 7,000 lbs a steel belt radials powder coated rims silver


Expert Reply:

I'm guessing you have a tandem axle trailer, is that correct? If the 7K figure you mentioned represents the trailer's GVWR (maximum loaded weight to include the weight of the empty trailer plus whatever's loaded on it), you'd want to go with a load range C tire, at minimum to cover the trailer's weight rating.

We offer a 205/75-15 load range C Taskmaster Provider tire mounted on a 15 x 5 silver powder coated wheel with a 5 on 4-1/2 inch bolt pattern as part # MX57FR. The tire has a 1820 lb per tire/3640 lb per axle capacity.

For the same wheel and tire size with a load range D tire with a 2150 lb per tire/4300 lb per axle capacity, I'd go with the Taskmaster Provider # MX97FR.

I've linked to product videos for the wheel/tire combos I mentioned above.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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