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Should I Get The Curt # C18085 Bike Rack Or The Swagman Chinook # S64683?  


What is the maximum wheelbase for Curt C18085 and the Swagman S64683? Which do you recommend for a 29” bike with 46” wheelbase? Can the existing support bar be replaced with a longer bar if necessary?


Expert Reply:

Of the two racks you're looking at, I recommend getting the Swagman Chinook # S64683 for sure. It has a max wheelbase of 50". This is perfect for your 46 inch wheelbase bike. I like it a lot better than the Curt # C18085 because of the clearance you'll get. The curt lets the wheels go through the wheel cradle and the Swagman will sit on top of the cradle. This way you get a couple more inches of ground clearance. Since you have a 2015 Subaru Outback, there isn't a whole lot of ground clearance. With the Swagman, your bikes will be safer from hitting the ground on uneven terrain or even a steep driveway.

I've found that 50" wheelbase bike racks cover almost any bike you throw at it, so a longer bar will not be necessary.

expert reply by:
Adam E

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