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What is Difference Between Stacked Plate Remote Derale Transmission Coolers 15660,15860 and 15960  


My Question is Derale makes a 15660, a 15860 and a 15960 cooler. I see they all can fit my 2004 Laramie 3500 dodge 5.9 diesel but what is the differences and why the big difference in price??? Which one is the best for my vehicle and why?


Helpful Expert Reply:

So the reason the part # D15660 is the most expensive is because it comes with everything needed to install as a engine oil cooler kit since it has multiple fittings as well as the sandwich adapter. This is basically the complete kit.

Next up is the # D15960 which setup to be a transmission cooler and comes with the fittings needed for this application which is considerably less than as an engine oil cooler.

Finally the # D15860 comes with minimal fittings and adapters and would require you to come up with the rest of the components.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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