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Replacement 151332 Motor and 151332 Gearbox For Kwikee 32 Series RV Steps  


My RV single step is not being pushed in or out properly anymore by the gears in the motor. It struggled to pull the step up or push it out, and if you step on it while the step is in get your toe on it and stand up the step slides out. The step is most likely original on a 2001 motorhome so I’m struggling to find the replacement for the parts assuming it’s the gear box. It has 151332 stamped on the main part, and what appears to be 131320 stamped on another part. Any suggestions for what the most cost effective way is to repair the motor?


Expert Reply:

We've ran into this issue before, but unfortunately Kwikee/Lippert no longer manufactures that 151332 motor, and I'm sorry to say that they do not offer a replacement. I was unable to find anything about the 131320 part you mentioned either.

In the past, we've recommended replacing the steps with a current Kwikee Series 32 2-step like # LC3722615, which is honestly your best option at this point.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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