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Gooseneck Hitch Options for a 2015 Ram 2500  


will it work on a 2015 dodge ram 2500


Expert Reply:

The Hide-A-Goose Underbed Gooseneck Trailer Hitch # 9465 is the base unit and the only rails that go with it are for Ford and GM pickups. For your 2015 Ram 2500 we have the following options:

Curt - # C60614
B&W - # BWGNRK1384

The Draw-Tite and Curt options have removable hitch balls but the B&W is the only one that allows you to store the hitch ball upside-down like the Draw-Tite you're asking about.I personally like the B&W the most just because you don't have to find a place to store the hitch ball.

One other thing you might be interested in is adding a 7-Way in the bed of your pickup, part # A10-7010. This helps make connecting/disconnecting your trailer wiring much easier.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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