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Spare Trailer Tire Carrier Recommendations for a 1995 Coleman Utah Pop-up Camper  


Which spare tire carrier do you recommemd for bumper or tongue of 1995 coleman utah pop up? thanks


Expert Reply:

A lot depends on the wheel bolt pattern of your spare tire and the frame size of the trailer. I have included a link to an FAQ article on measuring for bolt pattern for you. If you have a frame that is up to 3 inches wide by 4 inches high, AND you have a 4 on 4 or 5 on 4-1/2 bolt pattern with 10 inch or larger wheels, go with the Fulton carrier, # FSTC1000301.

For 5, 6, and 8 lug wheels (except 5 on 5 bolt pattern) and wheels up to 16-1/2 inches in diameter with a trailer frame up to 3 by 5 inches, go with Fulton carrier # FHDSTC0101 but the capacity is just 45 pounds on this carrier so keep that in mind.

Either of these carriers would be an excellent choice but if you have a different frame size or bolt pattern, I can make other suggestions. Generally I am not found of the bumper mounts because they require a continuously welded steel square bumper that is rated to carry weight.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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