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Will the Tinted License Plate Frame and Shield Fit a West Virginia License Plate  


is this frame going to fit on my West Virginia plate, and is it legal in WV? I tried to find the state regulations, and had no luck.


Expert Reply:

I searched and found that if the plate is not visible then you will have to remove a cover like # CR60520. I could not find specific information on plate laws pertaining to covers or frames. A call to the DMV, Department of Transportation, or State Troopers should yield the correct answer for you.

To determine if a West Virginia plate will physically fit the frame, I have take some measurements for you. Inside, where the plate goes, it measures 12-1/8 inches side to side and 6-1/16 inches top to bottom. It is not a perfect rectangle (corners are rounded) so a more usable dimension would be 12 x 6 inches.

The part of the plate that will be visible through the front of the frame is 11-3/8 inches across and 5-1/4 inches top to bottom.

The mounting holes are 7 inches apart on center going across, and 4-3/4 inches a part on center top to bottom. I have included a picture that shows the visible area and the mounting hole pattern.

expert reply by:
Michael H
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