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Manual Override Not Working on Factory Brake Controller for 2015 Chevy Silverado 2500  


thanks Chris for the answer, when you said I might have damaged the controller did you mean the manual override switch or is there another part. my 2015 has it built into the dash panel. when I start the truck and go back to the 7 pin plug I get a 2 volt reading without squeezing the over ride switch and still get 2 volt reading if I squeeze it. when its set on max #10 I dont have the camper at home so I am trying to check as much on the truck as I can before hooking it up again. Thanks again I am using a multi meter


Expert Reply:

If you're only getting 2 volts of power at the 7-Way when applying the manual override at its highest setting then something is definitely going on with the brake controller itself or its wiring. It may be difficult to troubleshoot the factory unit but you can try and trace the blue brake output wire from the controller as far as you can back to the 7-Way, looking for any exposed, pinched, or damaged areas that need to be repaired/replaced.

Otherwise as far as troubleshooting goes your best option is likely to try and take the truck up to a local Chevy dealer to have them take a look.

If you'd rather not mess with more troubleshooting or don't want to take the truck up to a dealer (I would certainly understand this) then I do have a great option for you. I recommend taking a look at the Curt Echo Brake Controller # C51180 to serve as a replacement. This is a really unique, high-performing unit that simply gets plugged into the 7-Way connector itself at the back of the truck. Once plugged in it gets paired to your smart phone via Bluetooth and you're all set.

Your phone is what you then use to adjust any settings, activate the manual override, or watch for any diagnostic messages. This eliminates the need for an additional component in the cab as well as any other wiring. It will also automatically bypass the factory brake controller on the truck so you won't need to have it disconnected or visit a dealer to have the computer flashed. It only needs the 12V pin on the 7-Way to be active for proper function, so even if the brake output circuit is part of the issue on the truck it will still work perfectly.

I have attached a couple short video demonstrations that you can check out as well, one being a general overview of the controller and the other being an install video on your model year Silverado.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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