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Which Transmission Fluid Line to Access for Installing Secondary Cooler  


I have a 2018 Toyota Tundra with a 4.7 liter engine that does not have the factory tow package, The factory transmission cooler adds a thermostat to the fluid fitting thats on the r/h side of the transmission housing. There is no where to tie in the lines for the transmission coolers you offer. I believe the only way to accomplish this is to buy the part from Toyota then add it to the transmission housing. Am I correct?


Expert Reply:

Any vehicle to which you want to add a secondary transmission cooler such as the Derale plate-fin type # D13503 needs to have accessible lines you can tap into. If the transmission does not provide this access you can sometimes access the return line from the OEM cooler (which is inside the radiator) at a fitting on the radiator itself.

The supplementary cooler needs to install after (downstream of) the OEM cooler that is in the radiator. The OEM cooler reduces the transmission fluid temperature initially and then the supplementary cooler further reduces its temperature before sending the twice-cooled fluid back to the transmission.

If there is no way to access the return line then it will be necessary to use an OEM fitting.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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