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Can You Wire Two 6V Batteries In Series to Two 12V Batteries in Parallel  


Our 5th wheel battery bank is currently 2 group 27 12v wired in parallel. We would like to go to a 4 battery bank. Problem - the racks are too small to add 2 more group 27. Would it be possible to add two 6v run in series to the 2 12v running parallel? If so, where to find wiring diagram and what gauge cable? Thanks!


Expert Reply:

Yes, you can wire two 6V batteries in series and then connect them in parallel to two 12V batteries that are thsemselves wired in parallel. This will essentially give you three 12V batteries in parallel with a large amount of amp hours.

The positive and negative posts on the second 6V battery will go to the positive and negative posts on the first 12V battery. You will want to use larger gauge wire for this application like 2 gauge that's found in our Cable Set # BDW20197.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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