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What Deep Cycle Battery is Needed to Run 450 Watt Appliances for 7 Hours with Inverter # WC3720  


Which amp hour deep cycle battery do I need to run a 1000 watt power inverter for 7 hours. What I plan to do is run two ceramic heaters one is 200 watts and the other is 250 whats using the batter and inverter to power them for 6 hours. Then use a battery charger to recharge the battery as needed using a power generator to power the battery charger.


Helpful Expert Reply:

You will need a deep cycle battery with a capacity of at least 315 amp hours to run 450 watts of power for 7 hours.

If you check on page 7 of the linked instructions for the Power Inverter 1000 Watts with Three AC Receptacles # WC3720 it states to divide the amount of watts you are using by 10 (450/10 = 45) and then multiply that by the amount of hours you need them to last (7) which then gives you the amount of amp hours your battery needs to be (45 x 7 = 315).

As noted in the instructions there are also other factors that play into determining the proper battery to use, but this should give you a ballpark estimate on the size battery you need.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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