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Headache Rack Recommendation for Use With Tonneau on 2014 Ford F-350  


I am wondering what headache racks will fit a 2014 Ford F350 Super Duty short bed that will also work with a tonneau cover.


Expert Reply:

For your 2014 Ford F-350 short bed we have the Aries AdvandEdge Headache Rack part # AA1110203 which can fit with a tonneau cover as long as the tonneau mounts between the rails of the bed and not on top at all. Reason this rack fits with that is because it attaches be securing to the stake pockets and does not wrap around the inside of the bed at all.

The best tonneau to use with this would be the BAK Revolver part # BAK39310 which works great with bed rail accessories like this.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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