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Rear-Load and Side-Load Assisted Kayak Carrier for Use on 2014 Subaru Outback Wagon Factory Bars  


what would a single-person use to load a 10, 32inch kayak on a 2014 Outback with factory bars. I want an extension off the side of the wagon to lean the kayak against while i lift up and rotate the stern into the carrier. Alternatively, should I rely on a rear roller system to get the kayak into the carrier? Thanks for your help!


Expert Reply:

We have a number of load-assisted kayak carriers, some side-loading such as the Thule Hullavator # TH898 and others rear-loading. For use on the factory crossbars of your 2014 Subaru Outback Wagon I recommend a rear-loading carrier. For what its worth, I am a kayaker and I find a rear-loader easier.

I think the Yakima HandRoll Kayak Carrier with Tie-Downs # Y04082-2 offers an excellent combination of convenience and value for your dollar in a rear-loading roller-style carrier. This system nicely fits your factory bars.

If you'd prefer an assisted side-load carrier then please consider the Malone DownLoader Kayak Carrier # MPG114MD along with their Telos spring-loaded assist system # MPG351XL.

A helpful article and videos for both options above are included to help you determine your preference.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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