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Replacement Side Mirror Options for a 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee  


I am not sure if mirror is heated or not. can I replace a heated mirror with a non heated or vice versa?


Expert Reply:

Yes, you can replace a heated mirror with a non-heated mirror and a non-heated mirror with a heated mirror. However, you will not gain the heated function when switching from a non-heated mirror to a heated mirror and you will lose the function when switching from a heated mirror to a non-heated mirror. There should be an oven like symbol on the mirror face if it is heated.

In order to replace the side mirrors on your 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee, I recommend using part # KS60081C for the passengers side and part # KS60082C for the drivers side if you have electric heated mirrors.

If you do not have heated mirrors but they are still electric then I recommend using part # KS60080C for the drivers side and part # KS60079C for the passengers side.

expert reply by:
Conner L

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