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Availability of Wiring Splitter to Connect 2-Pin Lighted Hitch Cover to Brake Light Circuit  


2000 Toyota Sienna. I have a simple LED light on a hitch propeller, 2 pin connector that Id like to connect to my brake light. Is there a simple splitter than I can use to get the 12V lead? thanks


Helpful Expert Reply:

It sounds like you have a lighted hitch cover that features a 2-pin connector that is designed to plug right into a 4-Way on the vehicle, similar to the plug end of the GMC # CR-007G.

We do not currently have a splitter available that will plug into this harness and provide you with a single 12V lead wire. If you don't want to or cannot plug into a 4-Way on your Sienna, your best option may be to simply cut off the plug end and use some Quick-Disconnect Spade Terminals like # DW01899-1 and # DW01896-1 so that you can easily disconnect the hitch cover light when needed.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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