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Portable Electric Braking Systems for Towed Cars  


2014 Honda CRV. I purchased and installed the BlueOx baseplate and towbars from eTrailer. They have been great. Can you recommend an affordable tow vehicle electric braking system?


Expert Reply:

There are several types of supplementary braking systems for use in a vehicle being towed by a motorhome. These include direct setups like the Roadmaster BrakeMaster # RM-9160 which requires a fairly complex installation, portable electric systems like the Blue Ox Patriot # BRK2019 and the Even Brake # RM-9400, and vacuum-assist types like the Stay-IN-Play Duo # SM99251. All systems suitable for your CR-V and a helpful article with details on each type are linked for you.

The portable electric systems like the Patriot tend to be more costly than some other options but they offer the advantages of less invasive installation and portability (to your next towed car). One of the Patriot systems for instance could last you well into the future since this is so easy to transfer to another vehicle. For the long-term and for easiest installation it is hard to beat the Patriot # BLU37TR.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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