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Using the Yakima Rack and Roll In and Around a River  


I have a 350 pond, 21 .5 feet row boat Im building and was wondering if the Y08107 can go into the water. I live on a river and depth of the water is only between 2 to 3 feet deep. Would it be possible to place the boat right into the river then load the # Y08107 when Im finish rowing? If so I planning to to use the handle on the # Y08107 and pull the trailer and boat by habd to the river which is only 200 feet max.


Expert Reply:

I love the Yakima Rack and Roll, part # Y08107, but the trailer isn't designed for in-water use, as none of the electrical components are waterproof or water resistant. I do, however, have an alternate solution.

The Rack and Roll is aluminum alloy, and you can get the rear part of the rack in as long as the lights on the rear of the trailer are not submerged. A good rule is to keep the water off of the actual wheels, and you should keep enough clearance to keep them out.

Since the Rack and Roll has Yakima roof racks on it, you can use the Yakima HandRoll, part # Y04082-2 to roll the kayak up out of the water directly onto the trailer without having to heft the kayak at all. Since the rear wheels of this system are incredibly flexible, you'd only have to get the point up and out onto them and get more or less the same effect.

I've included a video review of this carrier so you can get an idea of how it works in practice.

expert reply by:
Jacob W

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