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Draw-Tite 5504 Activator IV Not Providing Power to the Trailer Brakes on a 2010 Ford F-150  


Installing Draw-Tite 5504 on 2010 F-150 that has the 4 prong wire hookup already wired into the truck under the dash. Continuity is good in all the truck wires. The red brake light switch wire from the truck to the controller tests as zero volts when the brakes are off and 12 volts when the brake is pressed. After plug in, the controller displays the dot when either the manual lever or brake pedal is pushed. Otherwise it is blank. No other numbers or letters are EVER shown whether the brakes are pushed or not, whether the trailer is connected or not, whether the controller is manually activated or not. The system does have a weak power signal coming through the controller all of the time ~5-7 volts. Pressing the brake pedal or manually activating the controller does not change that signal.


Expert Reply:

It sounds as if there may be a problem on the blue output wire from the trailer connector. This situation occurs when the brake controller cannot sense the connection to the trailer brake magnets. You will need to check the blue wire on the vehicle and trailer wiring all the way to the brake magnets, and make sure the trailer brake magnets are properly grounded.

A multi-meter will not have enough draw to allow the brake controller to activate. Using a test light, item # PTW2993 if needed, will provide enough draw at the blue wire to activate the brake controller and show a voltage draw on that circuit. Make sure the power setting and Sync control settings are not set all the way to 0 so that the controller can send power to the trailer brakes.

It sounds as if you have checked all the wiring under the dash for the # 22292, connector for Ford. Proceeding to the trailer connectors and trailer wiring would be the next step, if you find the brake controller has power at the blue wire when testing with a test light.

expert reply by:
Bob G

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