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Bike Rack Recommendation for 2004 Toyota Camry for Carrying Heavier Cruiser Bikes  


Hi, I have two Electra Cruisers. Mine weighs 42 lbs and my wifes weighs 40 lbs. We have a 2004 Toyota Camry without a hitch and were going on a 400-mile road trip. It looks like the GORDO 2-Bike rack is the best option for a trunk-mounted rack for cruisers, but I cant find a weight rating on your site. I read some comments from Amazon customers that indicated they had 40-lb bikes and used your rack well, but Im wondering what weight its rated for. Can I use this rack for these two bikes? If not, can you please recommend a bike rack to mount on the trunk that can handle two 40-lb bikes? We leave next Tuesday and would love to order asap. Thanks!


Expert Reply:

The Gordo # HRG2 has a 35 lb per bike capacity and would not be what we would recommend for carrying bikes that weigh over 40 lbs like yours.

That amount of weight on a trunk bike rack is asking for a problem. Especially on a long road trip like yours. You'd most likely end up with a dented trunk lid when it was all said and done.

Best solution is a hitch bike rack. This will give you a secure way to mount the bike rack and you wouldn't have to worry about any vehicle damage. Plus the bikes will be held better. You'd need a hitch like the Draw Tite part # 36336 installed on your 2004 Toyota Camry first.

The thing about heavier bikes like yours is that MOST racks cannot accommodate weights over 35 lbs. That being said we do have a solution that will work well. The Saris Freedom SuperClamp EX part # SA4025F would be a great choice that would fit the hitch and have more capacity than needed. This is a lightweight platform rack (which is normally an unheard of combo). That means it'll be easy to install and remove from your vehicle since it's light, but also it'll be very easy to load bikes on since it's a platform rack.

This rack also only touches bikes at the tire so it protects any damage to delicate frame materials or finishes.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
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