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Is it Possible to Connect to Fifth Wheel Trailer with Sidewinder at an Angle  


I have a new Keystone Cougar 28SGS that is being towed with a Ford F150 short bed. The dealer installed a Reese hitch 16K and Sidewinder on the camper. I have difficulty hooking up and unhooking unless the truck is perfectly aligned in a straight line with the sidewinder. Is this normal? I cant be off by more that a 1/4 inch or it wont hook or unhook!! Extremely frustrating and am wondering is there something I can correct or is this the way it was meant to be? Thanks for your help


Expert Reply:

When connecting to a fifth wheel trailer you really have to back in straight relative the pivoting arm otherwise the jaws of the hitch won't be able to fully engage.

So if you are in a situation where you have to connect to the trailer at an angle what you would need to do is push the pivoting arm of the # RP61412 Sidewinder so that it is squarely facing the hitch and it will connect easily.

The issue is the wedge under the arm that locks the hitch to it.

I attached a picture that shows the wedge underneath the arm as well.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
click to enlarge

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