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Is the Oval LED Trailer Utility Light a Flood or Spot Light Style for Interior Trailer Lighting  


One more question comes to mind regarding this light fixture. Is it designed to cover a large area with light flood or is it for a more focused, tighter beam application spot. In fact, what is its intended, primary application? I want to use it to illuminate the interior of a 7 X 12 enclosed cargo trailer for nighttime loading and unloading. I dont want to buy this from you only to find that it is not suitable for my needs and then have to return it to you. Thanks again!


Expert Reply:

The Oval, LED Trailer Utility Light, item # BUL78C3MB, is designed as an area light, more like a flood than a spot light, and would be a good choice for interior lighting in an enclosed cargo trailer. The Straight 3-Wire Pigtail, item # A45PB, can be used for wiring this light. This LED light could be spliced into the tail light circuit, so the lights can be activated with the vehicle tail lights. A switch inside the trailer would be needed so that the lights are not on when traveling down the road.

If you need a light for outside the trailer when unloading and loading, I would recommend the Rectangular Tractor and Utility Light, item # TL35FS, to flood the area outside the trailer. For this light you would need to use the auxiliary power connection from the trailer connector and a switch to turn it on and off.

expert reply by:
Bob G

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