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When Replacing 12-Volt Batteries With 6-Volt Are They Run In Parallel Or Series  


Getting two 6volt deep cell batteries in placing 2 12 wet batterys. I have a 160 zamp solar panels would it be better to hook up positive to positive to make a longer duration of batteries.?...


Expert Reply:

Your system could be 12 volts with the batteries wired in parallel or it could be 24 volts which requires wiring in series. If you have a 24-volt system you will need a quantity of (4) 6-volt batteries.

If you have a 12 volt system and you are using 6-volt batteries you will need to run the batteries in series. You will need to run a wire from the positive post on one battery to the solar panel. Then run a jumper form the negative post of that battery to the positive post of the second battery. Then run a wire from the negative post of the second battery to a ground.

If you have a 24-volt system, you will have to run the 6-volt batteries in series as explained above, but you will need to attach the two additional 6-volt batteries.

expert reply by:
Jeffrey L

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