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Thule K-Summit Tire Chains, # TH02230K44, for a 2002 Buick Regal  


I am not sure which snow chain would be the best and the easiest of use. I have a Buick Regal 2002 and I thought that the model TH02230K44 would be a good choice, but does it really work? Also Id like to have the link to the video demo aobut instaling the chain and conecting to the whell lug nut. I have also a couple questions about snow chain TH02230K44 that attaches to the outside of the wheel: How can I attach to the lug nut noting that the lug nut on my wheel are cover with a plate. Can you send me link to a video covering the whole process of instalation. Anotehr question: Are these chains as firm as the other conventional chain that conect also to the back side o the tire? Thanks,


Expert Reply:

The Premium Self-adjusting Snow Tire Chains by Thule - K-Summit, # TH02230K44, has an adapter that fits over a lug nut on the wheel and gets tightened down to secure the center portion of the chains to the wheel. I have included a link to a video showing how the chains work. These chains are among the easiest to install since they are self adjusting and do not require a lot of clearance in the wheel well to operate. They work well in snow and ice.

You would have to remove the plate that covers the lug nuts and store it in the vehicle to use these chains. The traction plates include metal studs for extra traction and the dual-sided, D-shaped links are made or hardened maganese nickel alloy steel for durability. They require zero millimeters of clearance. They will offer as much if not more grip and traction than conventional tire chains.

In addition to the video, I have also included a link to our FAQ article specifically on Thule tire chains, and a link to our FAQ article with general information on tire chains. You will also want to check your vehicle owners manual to determine if chains can be used and if there are any restrictions or recommendations.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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