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Can 2 Kayaks on J-Style Carriers Plus a Cargo Box All Fit on a Yakima Rack and Roll Trailer  


I am looking at these Rhino J-Style Fixed carriers for a Native Slayer 10 as well as a Wilderness Radar 115. Both have relatively flat on bottoms and no more than 34.5 inches wide but weight is higher than most, at 62 and 85 respectively. I am planning on using an existing Yackima Rack and Roll 78 trailer with heavy shocks. My thinking is this J-Style Carriers should handle the weight/width so I can mount two pair of these on the Rack and Roll crossbars and also put my existing Thule Sonic Medium Cargo Box in the middle between the two with its own width of 40 inches. Should be balanced for the most part and be a great carrier combination if my thinking is right. Question is are these J-Style capable of handling my kayaks and on the installation of these bars, will i be able to mount on the 78 inch bars with plenty of space. Hope all this makes sense? Also, what if any other things would I need to order from to complete the setup?


Expert Reply:

The Yakima Rack and Roll trailer with the 78 inch long bars # Y08107 can handle up to 4 kayaks on cradles and a cargo box so loading 2 kayaks and a cargo box will not be an issue in terms of space.

Given the weight of your kayaks the Rhino-Rack carrier # S510 is a great option since it is rated up to 99 pounds. The carrier comes with straps so you would just need two of the carriers, one for each kayak, and nothing for the cargo box since it doesn't have to be tied down like the kayaks. It just will use its mounting feet to secure to the bars.

The kayak carrier is compatible with the round crossbars on the trailer.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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