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Troubleshooting Husky Brute Electric Jack That Will Not Raise But Will Lower Under Power  


Why wont it raise ?


Expert Reply:

If an electric trailer jack will lower under power but not raise up under power then the cause could be related to the power supply feeding the jack, or it could indicate that the jack is overloaded or damaged.

A power jack can deliver its rated lifting capacity only when it has sufficient power input from (usually) the dedicated trailer-mounted battery. The 12V power feed on a vehicle 7-way may not be able to deliver the current required by the jack motor. It takes much more power for the jack to lift than to lower.

If you do NOT hear any bad mechanical noises from the jack when you try to raise the trailer, but it simply does nothing, then this suggests power as the issue. If the jack were to make noise while trying to lift the trailer this would suggest a mechanical issue within the gearbox; this issue could be related to the jack not having enough capacity.

If you have a battery charger like the CTEK # CTEK56353 you can make sure the battery has a full charge. You can also check all jack wiring to ensure clean solid connections are made at both the ground and the +12V hot. If there is a weak ground connection at the jack mount (such as from rust or paint preventing good contact) this can be corrected by sanding and/or cleaning that ground connection.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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