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Brake Controller Setting for a 2006 Ford F-260 Towing 2 Cars on a Trailer  


We have a 2006 F-260 FX-4. We have been towing a one car trailer with a 4000lb car via a bumper pull hitch. We have now put in a gooseneck and purchased a 2 car low bed hauler. With 2 cars each at 4000 lbs and the trailer weighing about 2500. What is the correct setting for empty and full for the best braking on our brake controler?


Expert Reply:

There is no exact setting I can recommend. The necessary setting will vary according several different factors, such as the weight of the trailer and its load, the age and condition of the brake pads, the age and condition of the brake magnets, the condition of the brake drums, and how the trailer brakes are adjusted. The best way to figure out the correct setting is by trial and error. Find a large empty parking lot, load the trailer as you would typically have it, and make some test stops. Progressively raise the voltage delivered to the brakes, until they lock up on you, then back them off a bit. You obtain the best braking performance at the point right before the brakes lock up. Repeat this process for the empty trailer and make note of what settings to use when unloaded.

We have a video on setting up one of the brake controllers we carry. I will add a link to this video. It should be helpful when setting up your controller.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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