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Solution for Making Sewer Pipe Hose Carrier for 2017 Forest River R-Pod 179  


I just purchased a 2017 Forest River R-Pod 179. It did not come with a rear, black, square-shaped 5+ ft. bumper which most have to house the sewer slinky. I was wanting to buy a longer sewer / dump slinky to put in one of those long, black bumper-type containers... and then hopefully make a lightweight, plastic storage container to put on top of it to house the R-Dome since we do not have room for it anywhere else. Do you have any suggestions.... are there any brackets underneath on the camper frame already there for possible mounting of this black, slinky type storage bumper ?


Helpful Expert Reply:

At this time we do not carry a sewer hose carrier for the back of an RV but I have a solution for you. You will need to make a run to your local home improvement store to assemble all the necessary parts.

You can build one of these tubes fairly easily by using 4 inch diameter PVC tubing (go 5 inch or even 6 inch if you want to keep your hose ends on) and two residential sewer clean-out screw caps, found at any home improvement center. Cut to your desired length and mount using plastic u-brackets to avoid rusting. Add screw cap adapters to each end of the tubing, attach a tether to the end of each cap and secure tether to the RV. Attaching the tether to the RV, like to the flooring or frame, instead of the tubing prevents the sewer hose from catching on the screw when inserting or removing the hose. Using a rivet instead of a screw for securing the tether to the tube will work if you can get your riveting tool to fit inside the tubing when using the compressing the rivet.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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