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Comparison between Kuat Transfer and Swagman Chinook Bike Racks  


Hi etrailer, I have narrowed down my selection to these two racks. The # S64683 that has a one up on the # TS02G is that the Swagman already comes with all the necessary locks and I dont need to invest in a locking system. What I am trying to figure out is are these two at par in terms of durability? Would you say the Swagman is better or worse than the Kuat in anyway? Which is a better company in terms or warranty?


Expert Reply:

Between the Kuat Transfer part # KU74FR and the Swagman Chinook part # S64683 I would go with the Transfer mainly because it only touches the bikes at the tires whereas the Chinook grabs the frame of the bikes when securing.

Swagman and Kuat are both excellent brands. Typically Kuat is referred to as a higher end rack company whereas Swagman does a great job offering bike racks that perform well but maybe don't have all of the frills as the nicer brands and weigh more as well. Kuat racks also tend to be a bit more stable while traveling too. They don't move around quite as much as the Swagman racks.

Warranty wise they both are great.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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